
Latest on Golf 101

Marking your golf ball

Marking your golf ball

Etiquette for marking your ball. It is important to keep your etiquette on and around the putting greens in tip top shape. Learn the correct ... Read more

Golf grip size guide

Types of golf grips

How to grip your golf club is just as important, or even more so than any aspect of your golf swing. Your grip on the ... Read more

Buying your first set of golf clubs

Buying Your First Set Of Golf Clubs

There are options just for you Golf has many participants of different skill levels. Golf clubs manufacturers create clubs catering to beginners, intermediate and professionals ... Read more

Golf scoring system

Golf Scoring System

Introduction to the golf scoring system The golf scoring system is very straight forward when compared to other sports. In this introduction to golf scoring ... Read more

Introduction to golf clubs

Introduction To Golf Clubs

Understanding Your Golf Bag If you are new to golf, you may have noticed the different numbers on each club. You may have also heard ... Read more

Golf green etiquette

Golf Green Etiquette: An Introduction

Etiquette Golf green etiquette is always on display in professional golf tournaments. The putting green is a place where your etiquette as a golfer should ... Read more

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