At some point in time, you are likely to find rusty wedges. Whether you spot them in a garage sale or perhaps in one of your buddy’s golf bags, rusty clubs are common. Typically rust on golf clubs is a sign of age, which you may assume to be a bad thing. In many cases you may be right to do so. There are exceptions to this logic, specifically on the shorter end of the bag – wedges. In this article we won’t go over all the technical spin details a rusty wedge produces compared to their pristine counter parts. If we’re being honest, the difference does not affect the majority of us mid to high handicappers. This article aims to educate golfers who have yet to come across a rusty wedge. If you have, hopefully it persuades you into considering one as an option for your bag.
Understanding Why Golf Clubs Rust
It may sound strange but many manufacturers specifically design some of their wedge faces, or the entire club head, to intentionally rust over time. You should remember this the next time you see a rusty wedge. Do not be too hasty to write it off assuming you think it is old and uncared for. This is often a misconception amongst newer golfers and is good to know incase you do find a good wedge underneath a rusty finish! This leads me to my next point.

The rate at which the wedge’s surface corrodes depends on the type of material and finish the manufacter uses on the wedge. In some cases, a newly released wedge can see changes to their overall finish in less than a year. This means that although a club may have been released in 2023, by 2024 it may start showing signs of oxidisation, giving it the appearance of an older club.
It goes without saying that the conditions in which the wedge is stored also plays a significant role in the acceleration at which the wedge oxidises. You can often find rusty wedges at a significant discount. If the appearance of a rusty wedge does not bother you (I actually prefer how rusty wedges look), then you should not hesitate to pick one up as doing so might save you a few extra bucks! Titleist often notes their BV and SM range of wedges to rust-over-time. If you’re lucky, you might just find a fairly new wedge at a great price!

Refurbishing Rusty Wedges
A rusty finish does not have to stay that way indefinetely. Just like any oxidised metal object, a golf club’s original metal finish underneath the rust can be restored. If you are interested in attempting to restore a rusty club to its glory, you can find tips and tricks in our club refurbishment section within our workshop.
Ecaddie’s store usually has a rusty wedge or two in stock however they never stay around for long. If you are quick enough, you might just be able to snag one for yourself!