
Golf Tees: Small Size, Big Impact

Golf tees are underrated. Many of us golfers are guilty of putting little thought into the type of golf tee we use when teeing up our golf balls. This oversight may lead to an unexpected, and potentially negative impact on our golfing performance. Although golf tees might be small in size, their impact on your golf can be big. Are you making this mistake?


Golf tees come in various materials and sizes and are an essential on-course accessory in golf. As you are able to tee up your golf ball in the tee box, whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes, this can equate to 9 or 18 potential advantages during your round. Having the right tees for the right club in these instances is important when maximising your game. Knowing you have the right tees for you means each time you tee up, you can swing easy knowing you are using your advantage to the max.

Types of Golf Tees

Golf tees can be made of various materials. Of these materials, golf tees can be made in different shapes and sizes. For the focus of this brief article, we will mainly be speaking about the different materials used. A more indepth, detailed break down of the types of golf tees and which ones you should be using can be found here.

These main materials used to create golf tees are wood, plastic and rubber. Their commonality is probably in that order too… wooden tees being the most popular tees on the course, followed by versitile plastic alternatives and lastly, more seasonal – rubber.

Wooden / Bamboo Golf Tees – Tried & Tested

Golf tees made from different types of wood including bamboo are biodegradable, enivironmental friendly options. Wooden golf tees having been the tradition for many years and are no doubt, here to stay. It is important to note that not all wooden tees are made the same. Cheap, softer woods are more commonly used but are highly subceptible to breakages and thus sometimes barely withstand more than a single tee shot. Harder, more expensive woods can be longer lasting but also are likely to break within a handly of shots.

Over the recent years, bamboo golf tees have become increasingly more common due to their cheap cost and sustainable properties due to the speed in which bamboo grows. Despite their hype, bamboo tees still break easily and will likely require you to buy larger quantites or more frequently. A cheaper cost to you now might mean a greater cost in the long run.

Plastic Golf Tees – Durable & Versitile

Unlike wooden golf tees, plastic golf tees are manufactured via injection molding techniques, creating strong, durable golf tees that are much sturdier. Although their materials may not be good for the environment, plastic tees are sure to last much longer than their wooden counterparts. Hard plastics can withstand high impact speeds and experience less bending or breaking upon impact.

Rubber Golf Tees – Winter / Seasonal & Practice Tees

Golf Tees can also be made from durable, flexible rubber. Rubber is used when making tees often to fulfil unconventional or specific use cases. Rubber tees are the ultimate form of long lasting golf tees and thus are typically found on driving ranges. Rubber is also used in the molding of winter golf tees where the ground is too frozen to insert a traditional wooden or plastic tee into. Rubber pyramid tees rest on top of the grass or soil, removing the requirment to be inserted into the ground. There are few options when it comes to winter golf tees, all of which can be found on our store here.

Final Thoughts

No matter the materials used to make golf tees, in most cases, either of these materials can be used to create the various types of golf tees found on the market. The material used is personal preference..for the most part.

More importantly, the type of golf tee you use (the shape, design and size) is more likely to have a larger impact on your golf as they are designed with a specific purpose in mind. Click here if you would like to read about the different types of golf tees including; graduated / castle golf tees, straight tees, zero friction tees, brush tees & more!

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Steve, your digital Ecaddie sharing pro golf tips, how to guides, top golf news and equipment maintenance. I'm here to help you perform better on the golf course!

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