
Choosing The Right Golf Tee

We understand the amount of different types of golf tees and choices available to you may be overwhelming, which is why Ecaddie has made it simple. We stock what we think are the best tee options available to you. The following recommendations were selected based on the consideration of price, quality and use case. All of the following tees are available on our store here.

Castle Golf Tees:

Wooden Golf Tees:

  • Ecaddie Bamboo Golf Tees
    Sourced and packaged by Ecaddie, after testing various affordable wooden tees on the market, we selected what we deemed to be the best balance between affordability and strength.
  • Pride Professional Tee System Golf Tees
    A higher end alternative, Pride PTS tees are made from hardwood and are the number one choice of tee amongst professional golfers. Pride PTS tees are available in 5 different sizes.

Depending on your skill level, the choices above provide adequate solutions to your tee needs. We have condensed and tested tees so you don’t have to! Tee up your golf ball knowing you are not putting yourself at a disadvantage.

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Steve, your digital Ecaddie sharing pro golf tips, how to guides, top golf news and equipment maintenance. I'm here to help you perform better on the golf course!

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