Golf green etiquette

Golf Green Etiquette: An Introduction


Golf green etiquette is always on display in professional golf tournaments. The putting green is a place where your etiquette as a golfer should be maintained. It is here where you spend most proximity to the other golfers you may be playing your round with. Whether it be with your friends or in a more professional setting, maintaining the following list of basic golf green etiquette will make you appear more professional. Additionally, you will be more respected, providing you with mental fortitude knowing you are neat and proper.

Marking your golf ball

It is recommended you mark your golf ball when on the green as it comes with a few benefits.

  • Protect your golf ball from being bumped out of place by another golf ball
  • Allows you to clean and realign your ball with any quides on your putter
  • Promotes optimal roll over the dimples

It is also important you learn how to mark your ball properly. This is done by placing your ball marker behind the golf ball. When you mark your golf ball from behind, no distance is gained when it is replaced. Don’t be tempted to gain that extra centimeter as you will only do yourself an injustice over the long run.

Do not be too loud

This one is simple. Putting is a steady motion that requires a bit of focus. Try not to be too loud whilst others are preparing to take their putts.

Do not walk through other players putting lines

As the furtherest player from the pin goes first, golf played around the green has a more inclusive experience. When you are on the putting green, you have to recognise the imaginary line running from the flag to other players golf balls. Do not walk through this line as your footprints affect the lie of the grass and thus can impact the integrity of their putt.

Do not bring equipment on to the green

A lot of hard work is done to maintain the putting greens around the course. This ensures their surfaces are smooth, even, trimmed so your golf ball can roll optimally. Any heavy equipment, such as your golf bag, can easy damage the surface of the green affecting the undulation.

Repairing your ball divets

Ever putted your golf ball along your line and it suddenly jumps up in the air or bounces off to the right? Yes, this is often the doing of previously golfers who failed to repair their divets or failed to maintain proper green etiquette. Equipping yourself with a divet repair tool you are fond and that stays in your pocket along with your ball marker of will Don’t be that guy.

Keep it moving

The golf course is often full with other players playing different holes simultaneously. This is why tee times are allocated so that some distance is created between yourself and the slot behind or infront of you. Playing too slow might mean that the tee time behind you can catch up, affecting their rythym of play due to waiting for you to complete your hole before they can continue. A lot of time can be spend on the green reading your putt and being unsure of how you want to play your shot. Equally playing too fast puts pressure on the team in front of you to speed up their game, when actually their tempo is fine but you are playing too fast. It is important to find this balance and not play both too slow or too past.

Improve your putting

New to golf and want to improve your putting ability? Explore Ecaddie’s articles on putting.

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Steve, your digital Ecaddie sharing pro golf tips, how to guides, top golf news and equipment maintenance. I'm here to help you perform better on the golf course!

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